Sunday, September 11, 2011

God Bless America!

It has been a while since my last post.  My friends who work in higher education will understand why.  August and the beginning of September is our busiest time of year.  Between trainings, hall openings, new student orientation, Week of Welcome and all of the other events and activities that fill this six weeks or so, merely sitting still for a few minutes begins to feel like a luxury, but I couldn't let this important day go by without recording a thought or two.

The tenth anniversary of 9/11/2001 has brought with it opportunities to relive the tragedy of that day, but also chances to be reminded of the many heroes who put the urgent needs of others before even their own lives.  The stories of their bravery and selflessness are numerous...the valiant passengers of Flight 93, the fire fighters and police officers who rushed in to rescue people from the World Trade Center, the medical professionals who worked tirelessly to treat the wounded, the thousands of people who traveled to New York to help with the rescue and recovery efforts...and the list goes on.

We must never forget the sacrifices made by these courageous individuals.  Their examples should inspire us daily.  While we may never be called to give our lives to save another, we can make the lives of others better through our words and actions.  We must also remember that freedom isn't free, but comes at a cost that some are called to pay so that all of us can enjoy the benefits.  We must be grateful to our American heroes and thank God for His grace and love while we pray for peace in our country and around the world.

May God bless America!

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